Commonly Found Defects in New Home Inspections
At New Home Building Inspections we have seen a lot of building defects over the years. These include both minor and major defects. Each new home is different. That’s why we have a comprehensive checklist to make sure you are aware of every defect at each stage of the build of your new home. The following outlines some of the commonly found defects in new home inspections. For each stage of a new home inspection there are different types of defects – some of the more common than others.
Slab Inspection Defects
At the slab stage of a new home build, we have found slabs that have not been compacted / vibrating correctly. We also come across uneven concrete that does not meet the Building Code of Australia and Standard and Tolerances Version 2015.
Frame Inspection Defects
During frame stage inspections we have uncovered incorrect sizing of rooms, walls not plumb and straight and floors not level. For double storey homes we have noted the incorrect placement of structural beams. Overall poor workmanship noted as well.
Lock up Stage Inspection Defects
Lock up stages inspections have commonly revealed walls not straightened to standards, door openings having incorrect sizing and bulkheads not as per plan. Also noted during new home inspections the incorrect placement of plumbing and electrical rough (ie placement of power cables through the wall frame and ceilings).
Other common defects at the lock up stage include water proofing not meeting standards and ceiling lines out of alignment. Common defects in relation to the standard of brickwork include incorrect mortar being used for bricks and not being plumb/ straight.

Fit out Stage Inspection Defects
Some of the common defects found at this stage include door margins being incorrect, skirting lines not straight and square joinery incorrectly installed. We have even noted bath and showers in the wrong position. Poor plastering with cornice lines out of alignment is also another common defect
Pre Handover Stage Inspection Defects
We commonly find so many defects at this stage it is hard to list them all! The list below is just some of what we find:
- Poor workmanship
- Brickwork not compliant
- Render patchy
- Painting not up to standard
- Plastering shows joins
- Damaged cabinetry
- Incorrect placement of fixtures and fittings
- Tiling in wet areas laid incorrectly
- Cracking in slabs and driveways
- Squeaky floors
- Joinery installed incorrectly
- Caulking not compliant

The list goes on but this gives you an idea of just how many defects your new home can have.

No matter what stage of build you are at for your new home, we can provide an inspection. This way you will ensure everything is being built to Australian standards. You will know what you’re buying and have peace of mind.
Phone 1800 466 424, send us a message via our contact page or send an email